Meet the hot new author on the scene...Tierney James. Read on to learn about Tierney and her writing process. Tierney is an inspiration to all aspiring authors. She has a passion for writing and I am pleased to introduce you to her. If you are already aware of her awesomeness, leave a comment and tell her!
Can you tell us a little about you?
My upbringing took place in a steel town. I lived behind the mill where it was very dirty. The sky most of time was more of a gray than blue. Sometimes you’d find mercury flakes on your car in the morning. When I walked to school at six years old, I had to walk by boarded up houses. Rats would run through the grass as you passed. I can’t believe my mother let me do that. It was a different time. From an early age I learn to create stories in my head. Writing was a natural extension of that imagination.
What do you do when you are not writing?
It seems as if I’m on the road a great deal. Between visiting my parents in St. Louis and my children in Tulsa I put a lot of miles on my car. Gardening is near and dear to me as is reading and watching movies. But honestly I spend the bulk of my time in front of the computer.
Where do you get your ideas?
Sometimes it’s a YouTube video I see. My third book in the Enigma Series started after I saw a picture in National Geographic. A current work in progress began when my husband heard a story on NPR about the history of a piece of classical music. I was so intrigued that after some research and a trip to Union Station, St. Louis I had a story. Other times it’s from my travel and educational adventures from everything to traveling Scotland to attending Space Camp for Educators.
Do you work with an outline, or just write?
I’m more of an outline writer. When I say that I mean I write ideas, characters, plot ideas into a notebook. I usually write how I want the story to begin and end. When I get stuck I go back to the notebook and write possible things that can move the story forward.
Probably the biggest challenge was learning how to market my book. I knew nothing. In the last couple of years I’ve learned a lot by reading books on the subject, talking to other writers and participating in their book launch events. Even now that I have a wealth of knowledge it’s still difficult finding the time to promote myself.
How did you come up with the title of The Rescued Heart?
I used to live in a mining community. Mine rescue teams are a part of that life. When there are accidents in the mine they go in to save the day. This romantic suspense involves several disasters where the team is needed. The second in the Enigma Series The Winds of Deception comes out in June. A hurricane is barreling toward Washington D.C. and to complicate things a threat has been made on the president’s life.
Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
Never give up! Believe in yourself and your work. Join a local writing and critique group. Go to writing conferences. Read. Read. Read.
Social Media:
Twitter: @TierneyJames1
Side note...An Unlikely Hero is one of my FAVORITES!