Monday, June 23, 2014

The Great Time Suck

Social media perhaps started out as a way to connect with friends and family. I have to assume that is true, as I don't know the backstory of Facebook or Twitter. But I do know the afterword, at least for this author.

Social media is now a large cornerstone of marketing plans in all aspects of business. That being said, after talking with many of my new friends since publishing a children's story, I have asked them all what they are working on themselves, and the number one answer is not much but social marketing.

Everyone I see is beating the keys, sending out the pleas for the purchase of a book. A plea to read their blog. A plea for a good review, a pre-buy or a like for an author page...I must build my following so a publisher will notice me!  Is this a fun way to spend writing time for an author? They are writing... and no more than a 140 characters at a time, but writing none the less. Not much time left in the day after checking Google plus, Comments on the blog, e mail, tweets, Facebook contacts. Hence the "Time Suck" title.

Probably not the most positive of blogs, but I will perk back up, just a bit sloggy this Monday morning. I will spend my day reading blogs and e books and articles on ways to increase my audience through the world wide net. The bright spot I see in this day's plan, is I hope that a tweet, a Facebook post, or word of mouth marketing bug reaches one buyer of a sweet children's book that I have published. ( like that personal plug) Onward and upward my friends! 

Happy writing...happy social marketing!

P.s. Link to that sweet children's book.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Big Easy Blog

Welcome to the Big Easy Blog hop.  Thank you for hopping on! At the bottom of the entry I have a great author who you can read about next week. I know I was supposed to have three authors, but one great one will lead you to worlds unknown. In the meantime...

 Tierney James grabbed me and asked if I would hop around with her. Tierney has been in education for over thirty years. She currently teaches World Geography for a nearby college. Besides serving as a Solar System Ambassador for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and attending Space Camp for Educators, Tierney has traveled across the world. From the Great Wall of China to floating the Okavango Delta of Botswana, Africa, she ties her unique experiences into other writing projects such as the action thriller novel, An Unlikely Hero. Living on a Native American reservation and in a mining town for many years fuels the kind of characters she never tires of creating. 

1) What am I working on?  I am working on a children's book series called Ernie and the Troll. The first book is complete and out on Amazon. It is called In My Closet.  The second in the series is Backyard Adventure...or perhaps a catchier title will pop up.  

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre? I don't know that it is really different from other books, (it is cuter than other books)  but I include small life lessons for kiddos, mostly about problem solving.  I would like to think that if a parent reads the story to their child or the child themself reads my book on their own will say, "Yes! I can do it!" 

3) Why do I write what I do? I teach sixth graders, and honestly, it isn't that loveable grade/age of kids where they hug their teachers and say I love you Mrs., I wanted to reach that sweet, has sticky on their hands group of kiddos. And you know...I have already gotten hugs from sweeties that have read my first book.  

4) How does my writing process work? My process usually involves hearing a story, then sending it through my brain to a filing cabinet that holds all my rough drafts. Then, something will spark, and that file comes open and a story pops out and basis itself on that story that I heard. I know lots of people use music to get the magic popping, but I use fairy dust...or is it toll dust...

Join Lisa Medley on June 23rd for a grim adventure. Lisa  is a reader and writer of paranormal romance/urban fantasy novels about monsters in love. Reapers. The grim kind. Lisa has a complete zombie apocalypse bug-out bag including a machete in her trunk at all times. Just. In. Case
Lisa says "Don't fear the reaper, but you can lust after him."

Join Lisa on her blog is

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Book Signing Fun

I had my first book signing this past week. It was a success, as far as my expectations went. All the books I brought got new homes.
I enjoyed watching a young lady read the book as she sat waiting for her mom to get done visiting with me.  The young lady hugged me and told me she really liked it. Another much younger lady was munching on her new book. I hope it had nutritional value as well as entertainment for her.
The one thing I did learn was to make sure and have plenty of books ready.  I didn't expect to sell so many at one time. So, now I am patiently awaiting my new shipment to fill those waiting orders. Now, that is a neat feeling.