Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog Hop April 2014

Welcome to the April 21 blog hop. Tierney James asked me to join her from her blog, today.

Tierney is the author of Unlikely Hero, part one of her Enigma series. She is also the author of children's books A Superhero in the Library and Zombie Meatloaf. All three are wonderful books, and I hope you check them out.

Recently, I finished my first children's book titled In My Closet. The release date is May 5th and is published by a small company, Paper Back Press. In My Closet is the first in a series introducing Ernie and the troll he imagines is living in his closet. The two will learn many things as they experience the great outdoors, a school bus ride and the first day of kindergarten. 

How does my work differ from others in this genre?
That is a difficult question really.  I will say, that most of the stories I write are based on actual experience as well as a story someone has told me.  I was always good at spinning a tale in my younger years.  Now, I have the pleasure of going back through those memories and stories and relive them on paper, turning them into books for kiddos.

Why do I write what I do?

I absolutely adore children's books. I love Rob Scotten who writes Splat the Cat stories as well as the classic authors such as A.A. Milne and his Winnie the Pooh. Reading at an early age gave me a passion for the art of children's books, and now at a bit older age, I have the encouragement to write them as well.

How does my writing process work?

My process is scattered. I don't have a musical score to sit and write to, I don't have a certain way to sit, I don't have a position facing the sun to aid in my writing process.  What I do know is that if it's cute or funny, or perhaps teaches a lesson, I jot down a quick outline of what I want the story to say. I then think if there is a clever way to present the story through illustrations, then I turn the outline into a story.

Next week, April 28, hop over and visit Casey Daugherty. Casey is a wonderful writer, teacher and blogger. She spent a year writing abroad in England on a Fullbright Scholarship. Casey was instrumental in my being able to say, "I'm a writer".  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chapter Two

My book cover! The second chapter of this author's (I can really get used to that journey into publishing was every bit as daunting as writing the story. Uploading numbers for accounts, opening accounts, filling out IRS forms, toggling back and forth between several open programs, marketing plans, fonts, proofing the proofs and yes, the old 503 error on websites. All good headaches though. 

I have had a wonderful response from family and friends in regard to my latest venture. They want my AUTOGRAPH.  Of course, this is the first book of what I hope will be many.  

Tune in next week for some great blog hopping with some wonderful local writers and authors.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chapter One

I am back. I hope you didn't waste away waiting for my next blog post. I went out and got my children's book published! So ver exciting.  May 5th is the release date.

The journey to becoming a published author was/is a tough one.  Richard Castle I am not, I am sorry to say, but Willy Robbins I am.

The first chapter in my life as a writer, should prove a funny one...and I hope lucrative.

More tomorrow!